100 Black Dolphins

100 Black Dolphins

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone Review (and character rankings)

Where have "The Walking Dead" reviews been at these past 2 weeks????? I'll tell you where: nowhere. Because the Governor's storyline is mad boring. But for the sake of complaining here;s a summary of the past two weeks: The Governor walks around, finds a new group, takes a liking to a girl that looks like Maggie, plans to takeover the prison and kills people throughout the episodes. There you go.

So we arrive at the mid season finale. "The Walking Dead" has actually been really solid these past 4 years when it comes to mid season finale's, although their season finale's are either great or trash.

We pick up in the prison, when Rick finally tells Daryl about Carol, and he is SICK. Heartbroken. Sad. Then they go try and tell Drake Tyreese, but he's too busy looking at rats. They begin to tell him but there's an explosion that they must attend to.

They walk outside and The Governor is lined up with a tank and an army, while also capturing Hershel and Michonne. Uh oh! So they try to negotiate, but that doesn't go down as smoothly as it could have gone and one thing leads to another and we have our first major character death of the season.

I won't spoil too much for you, and if you haven't watched the episode yet, then you probably shouldn't read the rankings. But without further adieu, I present:


1. Daryl Dixon (last time: 1)

Wooooo!!!! Daryl! I thought he was a goner for sure when the zombie snuck up behind him like Jameis Winston at the club. While I was watching that scene my palms were sweaty, knees weak, vomit on my sweater already, mom's spaghetti. But in typical Daryl fashion, he uses the zombie as a shield and BLOWS UP A TANK! Why would he NOT be number 1? Number 1 on here and number 1 in our hearts.

2. Rick Grimes (last time: 3)

Welp, let's be glad he didn't do the classic Rick Cry when he saw Judith was missing. Ricky 3 Stacks was faced with a tough decision in his standoff, and he tried to take the peaceful route, but The Governor wasn't having it. Rick also is a horrible shot. How do you miss The Governor when he's standing right in front of you? Rick also got beat up. And didn't contribute to the gunfight at all. But nobody else really did much either.

3. Michonne (last time: not ranked)

She didn't kill The Governor, but she did save Rick's life. I respect the hustle though, she finally got what she wanted. Other than that, she was just kinda there to save Rick's life. Should've been a little less predictable but whatevvvvvvs.

4. The Governor (last time: 10)

He killed Hershel!!!! He shot a dead little girl without any sort of remorse. He beat Rick up. And then he died. The Governor has always been a little stale for me, which blows because he was so great in the comics. I don't know why the writers didn't make him more menacing, maybe it was all about being realistic, but The Governor was a snoooozzzzzeeeerrrr.

5. Tyreese (last time: not ranked) 

His manhood has been up and down this season, but he's hit his stride beautifully these last few episodes. I thought he was a goner for sure when he was rolling around in poison ivy and getting shot at. But those girls from "The Shining" ended up saving him. I can dig it.

6. The Girls From "The Shining" That Saved Tyreese (last time: unheard of)

Yeaaaahhhh these girls have spent this whole season being useless, but they came out strong, saved Tyreese, and killed those douchebags in The Governor's camp. With a headshot nonetheless. After being infected with the flu that was killing the prison. I like it!

7. Carl Grimes (last time: 4)

Ooooooh I thought he was going to die, but he didn't. But still, he is about to come full circle with his serial killer future, as evidenced by the 5 times he shot a dead zombie. Also, we have to do something about that hat he keeps wearing.

8. Rick's Hat (last time: not ranked)

Rick's hat managed to stay on during the gunfight and provided Carl with the skills to kill. I'm a fan!

9. The Governor's Tank (last time: didn't exist)

It had a nice run, it blew some things up, but it had to learn a lesson that everyone eventually learns: nobody survives the wrath of Daryl.

10. Hershel's Head (last time: still attached to his body)

More on this in a second...

Not Ranked:

Carol :(
Maggie Greene
Beth Greene
Glenn Rhee
Rick's Beard
The Governor's Accent

This was a wonderful mid-season finale, although I think the idea of a mid-season finale is stupid, but I can kinda understand it. But let's talk about Hershel.

I'll see you at the crooooossssroooaaaaddssss, so you won't be loooooonely, see you at the crooooossssrrrooooaaaads sooooo you won't be lone lonellllaaaayyyyy.

And I'm gonna miss everybody and I'm gonna miss everybody ooooohhhhh.

Livin in a hateful wooooooorld, sending me straight to heaven, livin in a hateful woooooorld, can somebody anybody tell me whyyyyy we die we dieeeeee, i don't wanna diiiiieeeee.

Sooooooo wrong oooooohhhh so wroooong ooooooohhhhhhh.

Pour out the liquor for Hershel Kenobi. We'll see you up there again big homie.

Final Score: 5/5