100 Black Dolphins

100 Black Dolphins

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Walking Dead: Internment Review (and character rankings)

We had a nice little episode here of the plague that was wiping out the prison. The thing that really stuck out to me about this episode was the rise of Hershel. Hershel was like Obi-Wan in A New Hope where he doesn't do anything for 99.9999999% of the movie and then he ups and fights the most evil human in the galaxy. Hershel hasn't done anything but be a guiding hand and in this episode he finally decided to cure the sick and fight a few walkers with his bare hands.

Hershel was fixated on saving everyone this week and keeping their spirits up, even as he was losing himself. Think of Hershel as "Not Carol". Speaking of Carol, her hot streak finally ended (she was banished) this week. It was a sad week indeed, but a lot happened, and the walls of the prison are crumbling and the plague is wiping people out left and right (I assume it'll be fixed next week).

Also, can we talk about how NOBODY cared that my baby Carol was banished? Rick took one of the most beloved people within the group out on a drive and came back without her. When they asked Rick simply put on his sunglasses and said "It is what it is." But poor Daryl hasn't found out yet, so I assume we're going to have to see him get his heart broken for the second time on the series. :(

Also, THE RETURN OF THE GOOOOVERNOR!!! I have no clue what he's done for the past few months, but he's back and looking to raise hell!!!!

Not it is time for:


1. Daryl Dixon (last week: 1)

Literally was in this episode for 5 seconds, but he had to great lines where he got to say "sumbitch" and he brought medicine. Hero!

2. Hershel Greene (last week: not ranked)

He got his faith back, he saved poor Glenn, he fought zombies with his bare hands, and he stuck a few ice picks through some skulls. "Not Carol" is doing just fine in a post-Carol world.

3. Rick Grimes (last week: 4)

He came back and said "Carol's gone" and nobody questioned it. Only Rick could get away with something like that. He also has to break the news to Daryl about Carol next week, and that can't be easy. Also, he let Carl sleep in. I rest my case.

4. Carl Grimes (last week: not ranked)

We're all still waiting for him to die, but he handled that zombie hoard pretty well. Are we taking over/under bets on Carl becoming a future serial killer yet??? He would've been ranked about poppa bear but that hat he still wears is STOOPID.

5. Maggie Greene (Rhee?) (last week: not ranked)

Maggie looked soooooOOoooo beautiful this week. Her hair is longer and she looks like she could kill someone with her knuckles. I looooooooove Maggie. <3

6. Lizzie (last week: not ranked)

I hate her but there were literally like 4 characters who did anything this episode.

7. Sasha (last week: not ranked)

She helped a little bit but she mostly felt like death the whole episode and that hindered her.

8. Hershel's Faith (last week: not ranked)

It's back!!!

9. Caleb (last week: not ranked)

He cried blood and told Hershel that he can't save everyone. Then he became a zombie. He didn't do much except state the obvious and die, but he was a minor role player that we at least knew the name of. So here's your send off Caleb.

10. THE GOVERNOR (last week: been dying to be ranked)

The Governor is BACK! After frolicking in the woods with his two friends all summer, The Governor is back and ready for revenge because he doesn't have anything else to do. The way he stared at the prison amongst the leaves of poison ivy was great.

Not Ranked:

Bob Stoopid
Carol :(
Rick's Hair
Carl's Hat
The Governor's Eyepatch
Maggie's Aim
Maggie's Body Armor

So there we have it. The episode started off boring as all get out, but as the time passed it geared up and became pretty anxiety inducing, mostly with Glenn laying there dying. I don't know who's gonna go next, but I'm liking Glenn's odds A LOT.

Final Score: 4/5