100 Black Dolphins

100 Black Dolphins

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Walking Dead: Indifference Review (and character rankings)

Wooooo!! This was probably the best episode of the season. It's no coincidence that the best episode happened far away from the prison, where The Walking Dead gets back to its season 1 roots of surviving in the wilderness. Whenever select members of the group venture out past their established base, the episode is usually a great one. It happened in season 2 when Rick and Shane were taking Randall out and it happened in season 3 when they went to rescue Glenn and Maggie. And it has happened again.

I won't get too much into the recap because you've probably already watched it, but I did like the Rick and Carol dynamic in this episode. Especially how different they were when they ran across Ana and the guy who looked like Devon Sawa in the "Stan" music video. So we'll call them Ana and Stan. The way Rick and Carol have evolved was on full display when deciding what to do with these two.

So let's move on to the character rankings because there's not much that can be said about this episode that I can't say here:


1. Daryl Dixon (last week: 1)

Come on...are you really shocked? He spun a rock between his fingers half the time and still accomplished the most. He calmed Bob Stoopid down with his patented "Daryl Touch" and had a few sweet zombie kills along the way and still managed to find the time to fix a car. Listen man, despite what you may think, Daryl is in the driver's seat for the MVP award this season.

2. Carol Peletier (last week: 2)

Woooo!! Carol has been on a hot streak the past 3 episodes and it doesn't look like she will be cooling down anytime soon. Speaking of cooling down, Carol is still cold blooded. She told little Lizzy to shut up and accept life and don't ever call her "mom", then popped a shoulder back in place, knifed Tyreese's girl (it was a flashback, but still), and then bounced at the end. I love it and you should too. She's making executive decisions and I am building 5 new rows of seats for the Carol bandwagon.

3. Michonne (last week: 6)

She didn't do much last week but she brought it this week. She had the best zombie kills and she finally gave up on her search for The Governor. That was real mature of her to let go of the last thing she really had to care about and I respect it.

4. Rick Grimes (last week: 3)

He was right about the Ana and Stan situation and he told Carol that she sucked so I was with it this week. Rick was scouting out Carol this episode and realized she really is cold blooded. She's no longer the flimsy woman who was being beating by Chris Brown her husband for merely breathing. Rick banished her pretty much and I have to give major props to him for finally breaking out of his Pepperidge Farm attitude and becoming the boss man again.

5. Tyreese (last week: 4)

Tyreeeeeese. Ever since his girl died he decided to wake up and become a man. I mean, he pulled a zombie to him, something that hasn't been done on this show before. He PULLED it towards himself so he could bash its brains in. How can you not love Sad Tyreese?

6. Ana (last week: not ranked)

She was pretty hot, but her leg was broken off and that was the end of that.

7. Stan (last week: not ranked)

He was weird, stupid, and disappeared at the end. But he was dating Ana and probably ditched her when he saw the zombies so I can dig it.

8. Bob Stookey (last week: 7)

This dude either sucks or is tolerable. And this week he sucked. Hey, Bob, SHUT UP.

9. Bob Stoopid's Drinking Problem (last week: not ranked)

Bob almost died for his stash and almost killed Daryl. This is going to be an interesting thing to keep an eye on throughout the season.

10. Rick Grimes' Hair

It looked really fluffy and shiny. Weird considering they aren't really using any hair care products are they?

Not Ranked:

Everyone at the prison
Carol's Heart
Carl's Comics
Good Kush and Alcohooool
The Glorified Cold
The Zombie That Looked Like Hershel

So there it is, this was a solid episode that showcased the evolution these characters have undergone since the first season. The war is no longer with the zombies, it's within themselves now. And I like it!

Final Score: 5/5