100 Black Dolphins

100 Black Dolphins

Monday, October 14, 2013

Walking Dead Review: 30 Days Without An Accident

Well, well, well, The Walking Dead is back. It's been a long time since we last saw our little survival group, and a lot has changed since then. And I'm not sure how to feel about it. Since the end of last season and up until this season, the momentum The Walking Dead has had seems to be slowing down. We're coming off the final season of the greatest show to ever grace television (Breaking Bad), which set the bar so high that it's killed the hype of Walking Dead.

The thing about Dead has always been the final product. This is a show that paces itself like a marathon, not a sprint (unlike Bates Motel). The show puts you through a long journey that occasionally frustrates you but ultimately pays off in the end. Its pacing is similar to Mad Men, the journey is long, but the final product is worth all the time you spent getting there. Breaking Bad was more about the journey, because by the final episode, we're happy with the series. The finale of that show was just icing on the cake we had fun eating. The Walking Dead puts you through vegetables and a bad casserole before you get to the ice cream.

 The Walking Dead has always specialized in season premiers. The starting point and the ending of the seasons are when this show is at its best. There has been something significant in each premiere that has set up the tone and hopes for the show:

Season 1: The zombie apocalypse obviously. The first episode of this series remains the best. It was 90 minutes of intensity, one that ended with a huge cliffhanger.

Season 2: Carl gets shot, Carol's daughter goes missing. Of course Carl (sadly) made it through and the storyline of Carol's daughter stretched out 3 episodes too long (more on that later).

Season 3: Discovery of the prison, Hershel loses his foot. This was one of my favorites of the series and provided an excellent pacing for the season, which unfortunately stalled at the midway point.

Season 4: Uhmmm.

Nothing exactly significant happened. There was the kid who died in the end and coughed into the water supply, but we didn't know the kid. We didn't have an attachment to him. All this was, was a tiny cliffhanger that will probably be solved by next episode.

There was a lot of potential for this episode to provide the most significant moment for the series, which was when we met Half-Dead Zooey Deschanel in the woods. Like the host on The Talking Dead I seriously assumed this was going to be a new species of zombie, one that walks and talks like a human. I'm mad that it didn't turn out this way. Imagine if we were introduced to a new species of zombie, the possibilities of this show would be endless from there.

I feel like I've just piled onto the premiere, which wasn't all that bad. The bright spot is still Daryl. He's great. And the zombie battle in the supermarket was very intense, although we knew we were never in danger of losing Michonne or Daryl, but it seems as if Glenn is leaning towards being expendable.

The final confrontation between the Half-Dead Zooey Deschanel and Rick was great. I was genuinely shocked when she rushed Rick with the sword. I knew there was SOMETHING wrong with her, but I didn't think she was going to be completely psycho. I had originally thought she was going to bring Rick back to The Governor, who shockingly didn't make an appearance in this episode.

The episode, much like the series, was all about pacing. It started off slow, and then finally picked up steam and delivered a solid finale. The thing about this show that makes the pacing unbearable at times is how seriously it takes itself. I understand this is meant to be a drama that goes deeper than zombies, but why does it always have to be so gloomy and dark? This is a world with ZOMBIES, have fun with it. Find some comic relief, make Daryl and Michonne MORE bad ass, do something! This show is entirely too heavy, which makes it a chore to get through at times.

Another thing about Dead, the acting. The acting on this show has never been Emmy worthy, we all know that, but what the show lacks in acting (see: Rick crying last season) it makes up in effects. The effects were mediocre in this episode. The zombies falling through the ceiling was absolutely terrific, but the blood and sword slashing effects...I don't know.

Enough about the episode, which ended on a strong note, let's move on to the weekly power rankings for each character. Each week I'll rank the characters based on their performance (not acting) in each episode and if they do anything to help/damage the group.

1. Daryl Dixon

From the moment he licked his fingers to shake that nerdy boy's hand, Daryl had already stolen my heart again. He's the best thing this group has for survival and his slow acceptance towards people is making him an even better character. The scene where him, Michonne, and the Guy Who's Name I Don't Remember were trying to figure out what Daryl's job was before the zombie outbreak was hilarious. Daryl is exactly what the show needs more of.

2. Michonne

Don't play like you're surprised. Michonne was extremely frustrating last season, but this season she's more laid back and down to slash some zombies. She even had a kind enough heart to bring that bratty kid Carl some comics. That's just who Michonne is, if you let her open up you find a kind woman who's down to do whatever she can to help the group. Her and Daryl are very much alike, which is why it's not surprising that she's number 2.

3. Rick Grimes

I mean, he's still the lead, but he's no longer a deal breaker for me. Rick is still the leader of the group, but he gets stupider with every episode. He clearly suffers from PTSD and his dumb decisions reflect that. Rick handled the Half-Dead Zooey Deschanel situation the best way someone in his mindset could, and he's clearly conflicted, which may be his downfall as the series progresses.

4. Rick Grimes' Beard

Yeah, it was awesome. Let's hope it's here to stay. It's better than Daryl's emo hair, Daryl's chin dusting, Carol's alarmingly slow growing hair, Carl's hair, and Hershel's ponytail.

5. Glenn Rhee

He's still one of my favorites on the show, but he didn't really do much other than stress about being a possible dad and looking stupid in his armor. Glenn perfectly symbolizes the human side of the group, he was never conflicted or hardened by the zombie outbreak, he was always the lovable kid who is living the most normal life under the unusual circumstances.

6. Hershel Greene 

He's still the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the group, but his missing leg keeps him from being anything more than Rick's therapist. He's valuable for his advice and the amazing amount of free time he has to watch Rick's kid.

7. Beth Greene

Listen, Beth has the best chance to climb the rankings this season. She is all cried out, she doesn't seem privy to break out in song, and she had a comedic moment with the "Days Without An Accident" sign. She very well could end up being the best character this season, unless she's already been allotted all her lines for the season. Beth was great in this episode because she wanted to make out and her care level was at zero whether or not Guy Who's Name I Don't Remember came back.

8. Half-Dead Zooey Deschanel

She managed to get my hopes up, ruin them, and scare me all within the same episode, which is uncharacteristic for The Walking Dead, who would usually stretch her character 5 episodes too long. I was rooting for her to capture Rick or become some sort of antagonist this season. But at least she controlled her fate.

9. Tyreese 

Man, I don't know. The guy has all the potential to be the muscle of this group, but he seems like he just wants to pick daisies and make out with the rest of the residents. I hope Tyreese becomes more manly throughout the season, because his premiere didn't live up to the expectations that we had for him. Enough with the feelings, more of the killings!!!

10. Sasha

Tyreese's sister looks like she may be the man of the family. She commanded that squadron and showed good judgement by not trusting the kicker from The Waterboy who ended up causing the supermarket to completely collapse. That was a lapse in judgment by everyone else, she was the one with good instincts.

On The Cusp Of Being Ranked: 

Carl Grimes
Maggie Greene
Carl's comics
The Governor
Bob "I have a cliche drinking problem" Stookey
The Kid Who Died At The End
Guy Who's Name I Don't Remember (he probably should've been ranked)
Tyreese's Manhood

Who Has The Best Chance To Die This Season:

1. Glenn

I believe it'll be him, but stranger things have happened. Would The Walking Dead be brave enough to kill off a likable character?

2. Maggie

I could see it, it isn't as likely as Glenn, but it could happen.

3. Carl

Wishful thinking.

Final Score: 3/5